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New strata™-XL and -XL-C Polymeric Sorbent for Solid Phase Extraction of Viscous Samples Eliminates Clogging

Torrance, CA (May 21, 2007) – Phenomenex Inc., a global leader in the manufacture of separation science consumables, introduces two new sorbents to its strata™ line of solid phase extraction (SPE) products. strata-XL is a high-capacity, large-particle (100 µm) polymeric sorbent for use with viscous samples that tend to clog on standard-particle SPE solvents. The new strata-XL reversed phase sorbent is ideal for difficult sample matrices such as grains, fruits, vegetables, meats and tissues. strata-XL features a large pore size for applications that require the cleanup or concentration of large biomolecules such as proteins. The strata-XL-C sorbent provides strong cation exchange extraction and delivers high recoveries for basic drugs.

The strata-XL and XL-C products features a polymeric surface that remains “conditioned,” even if the sorbents accidentally run dry during the extraction. This ensures high recoveries and reproducibility from extraction to extraction.

strata-XL and -XL-C are available in 1, 3 and 6mL tubes for high-throughput extraction in 96-well formats and in Giga™ tubes (12, 10 and 60mL) for large-volume applications.

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