Phenomenex to Present Pittcon Workshops on Biofuels Analysis and New Applications for UHPLC
Torrance, CA (January 08, 2012) – Phenomenex Inc., a global leader in the research and manufacture of advanced technologies for the separation sciences, will present two workshops at Pittcon 2012 in Orlando.
“UHPLC Beyond Reversed Phase: Expanding Application Areas Beyond Small Molecules” will be presented on Wednesday, March 14 at 8:00 a.m. in Room 308C. Speakers include industry experts from Genentech, Innovative DNA Technologies, Mankind, Waters and Phenomenex. Innovators in chromatography will discuss the impacts of recent advances in UHPLC instrument and column technology on characterization of proteins, oligonucleotides and other biologically relevant analytes.
“Analytical and Spectroscopic Advances and Their Impact on Biofuel Analysis” will be presented on Thursday, March 15 at 8:00 a.m. in Room 313. Speakers from Phenomenex and Shimadzu will discuss the current state of the art in analytical techniques for biofuels research and production, as well as new advances.
Complete agendas can be found on the Pittcon web site under “Technical Program/Technical Sessions.” There is no additional charge for registered Pittcon conferees.
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Tel: (310) 212-0555 (USA)