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Phenomenex Employees to Make 150,000 Meals for Starving Children

Torrance, CA – On the 16th and 17th of November, over 700 Phenomenex employees, friends, family and community members will set forth to hand pack 150,000 meals to feed thousands of starving children in the developing world. Through a partnership with Minnesota-based Feed My Starving Children (FMSC), Phenomenex volunteers will prepare these life-saving meals at an FMSC MobilePack™ event to take place at the Phenomenex Corporate Headquarters in Torrance, CA.

Keeping in line with its charitable tradition over the company’s 30-year existence, Phenomenex will highlight the “Serving Humanity” cornerstone of its mission through this special event. Phenomenex has sponsored 100% of the event costs, including funding the 150,000 meals and providing the facilities, volunteer gifts, and the considerable investment of employee hours for planning and volunteering, all of which are estimated to reach well into six figures. “We are thrilled to welcome FMSC back to Phenomenex for another MobilePack event and are inspired by knowing the meals we pack will impact the lives of so many children in extremely trying circumstances,” says Kali Tudela, Philanthropy Manager at Phenomenex. “Giving back to the global community is a key element of our company’s mission, so we look forward to continuing our support of this wonderful charity in the future.”

All employees are encouraged to take time throughout their workday to volunteer, and the public is invited to make a donation or volunteer for a brief 2-hour shift by visiting

For more information about FMSC, contact FMSC’s Media Relations Associate, at 763-951-7317 or To see other humanitarian causes that Phenomenex supports, visit

Phenomenex is a global technology leader committed to developing novel analytical chemistry solutions that solve the separation and purification challenges of researchers in industrial, clinical, governmental and academic laboratories. From drug discovery to disease diagnosis, food safety and environmental analysis, Phenomenex chromatography solutions accelerate science and help researchers improve global well-being. For more information on Phenomenex, visit

Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is a non-profit Christian organization committed to feeding God’s starving children hungry in body and spirit. The approach is simple: children and adults hand pack meals designed specifically for starving children, and FMSC ships the meals to nearly 70 countries around the world. Each meal costs only 22¢ to produce. For more information, visit

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Phenomenex Press Room Tel: (310) 212-0555

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