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Robust Separation of Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine in Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate Tablets Using the Kinetex 5 µm C18
A comparison between two particle morphologies of similar L1 (C18) phase in the separation of Hydroxychloroquine and related impurity Chloroquine under the USP conditions for assay of hydroxychloroquine sulfate tablets. This application demonstrates the potential method improvements that can be achieved per the allowable adjustments outlined in USP General Chapter <621> relative to the original column and conditions referenced in the monograph.
Robust Separation of Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine in Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate Tablets Using the Kinetex 5 µm C18
A comparison between two particle morphologies of similar L1 (C18) phase in the separation of Hydroxychloroquine and related impurity Chloroquine under the USP conditions for assay of hydroxychloroquine sulfate tablets. This application demonstrates the potential method improvements that can be achieved per the allowable adjustments outlined in USP General Chapter <621> relative to the original column and conditions referenced in the monograph.
Robust Separation of Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine in Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate Tablets Using the Kinetex 5 µm C18
A comparison between two particle morphologies of similar L1 (C18) phase in the separation of Hydroxychloroquine and related impurity Chloroquine under the USP conditions for assay of hydroxychloroquine sulfate tablets. This application demonstrates the potential method improvements that can be achieved per the allowable adjustments outlined in USP General Chapter <621> relative to the original column and conditions referenced in the monograph.