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Enhancing Sensitivity and Peak Capacity for Protein Digest using Micro-LC and the power of 2.6 µm Kinetex Core-Shell Columns (TN-1285)
In this technote we compare the performance of the Kinetex 2.6 µm core-shell packed into 0.3 mm ID columns to a market leading 1.7 µm fully porous UHPLC alternative and demonstrate the average peak widths and peak capacities seen between a 2.6 µm core-shell material are comparable to a sub 2 µm fully porous whilst operating at a significantly lower back pressure.

Enhancing Sensitivity and Peak Capacity for Protein Digest using Micro-LC and the power of 2.6 µm Kinetex Core-Shell Columns (TN-1285)

In this technote we compare the performance of the Kinetex 2.6 µm core-shell packed into 0.3 mm ID columns to a market leading 1.7 µm fully porous UHPLC alternative and demonstrate the average peak widths and peak capacities seen between a 2.6 µm core-shell material are comparable to a sub 2 µm fully porous whilst operating at a significantly lower back pressure.
Document Type:
Technical Notes
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