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Isolation of Low Level Testosterone from Plasma by LC-MS/MS Analysis in Conjunction with Novum PRO Simplified Liquid Extraction (SLE)
In this study testosterone was isolated from plasma using Novum PRO MAX 96-Well Plates SLE sample preparation. These samples were then injected onto LC-MS/MS for analysis. Testosterone was successfully isolated giving excellent recovery and lowest level of quantitation. Novum PRO utilized an optimized manufacturing process to provide less background noise which leads to cleaner samples post sample preparation.

Isolation of Low Level Testosterone from Plasma by LC-MS/MS Analysis in Conjunction with Novum PRO Simplified Liquid Extraction (SLE)

In this study testosterone was isolated from plasma using Novum PRO MAX 96-Well Plates SLE sample preparation. These samples were then injected onto LC-MS/MS for analysis. Testosterone was successfully isolated giving excellent recovery and lowest level of quantitation. Novum PRO utilized an optimized manufacturing process to provide less background noise which leads to cleaner samples post sample preparation.
Document Type:
Technical Notes
Target Industries:
Separation Modes:
Supported Liquid Extraction