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roQ QuEChERS Kits

Product Information
Discover the roQ QuEChERS Kit by Phenomenex for efficient & reliable sample preparation. Perfect for analytical labs, our kit ensures high-quality results.

roQ QuEChERS kits make sample preparation easy. roQ QuEChERS kits eliminate common problems seen with other QuEChERS kits by incorporating features such as trays to hold centrifuge tubes, easy pour salt packets, and stand-alone centrifuge tubes making the removal of unwanted interferences such as organic acids, lipids, pigments, sugars, and more.

Don't settle for any QuEChERS kit…roQ exemplifies Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe for multiresidue pesticide clean-up in conjunction with AOAC 2007.01 and EN 15662 Methods.


Don't settle for any QuEChERS kit…roQ QuEChERS kits exemplifies Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged for multiresidue pesticide clean-up

A Simple 2-Step Method

Step 1: Extraction 

Pesticides and analytes of interest must first be extracted from the sample. This process relies on the combination of organic solvent and various salts to partition the analytes from samples into an organic layer (typically acetonitrile).

solvent blender
Blend fruits or vegetables to be analyzed.
Blended Sample on Scale
Weigh blended sample.
Salts and acetonitrile added to sample
Add salts and acetonitrile.
Shaking tube
Shake tube for 1 minute.
Tube in Centrifuge
Centrifuge tube for <br>5 minutes.

Step 2: Dispersive SPE (dSPE) 

An aliquot of the organic layer from the extraction step is subjected to further clean up by dispersive SPE. This step selectively removes unwanted interferences such as lipids and pigments, using the QuEChERS dispersive kit.

Supernatant added into a roQ dSPE tube
Add supernatant from extraction procedure into a roQ dSPE tube.
dSPE tube shaken
Shake dSPE tube for 30 seconds.
dSPE tube in centrifuge
Centrifuge dSPE tube for 5 minutes.
Chromatogram from sample
Analyze supernatant by GC or HPLC.

Method Recommendations for roQ QuEChERS Extraction

Step 1: Extraction

Pesticides and analytes of interest must first be extracted from the sample. This process relies on the combination of organic solvent and various salts to partition the analytes from samples into an organic layer (typically acetonitrile).

AOAC 2007.01 Method
6.0 g MgSO4, 1.5 g NaOAc
Non-Buffered Method
4.0 g MgSO4, 1.0 g NaCl

6.0 g MgSO4, 1.5 g NaCl
EN 15662 Method
4.0 g MgSO4,
1.0 g NaCl, 1.0 g SCTD, 0.5 g SCDS

*All roQ Extraction kits contain fifty easy-pour salt packets and fifty 50 mL stand-alone centrifuge tubes.

Step 2: Clean Up/dSPE**

  AOAC 2007.01 EN 15662
  1 mL 8 mL 1 mL 6mL

150 mg MgSO4,
50 mg PSA
1200 mg MgSO4,
400 mg PSA
150 mg MgSO4,
25 mg PSA
900 mg MgSO4,
150 mg PSA
Fats and Waxes

150 mg MgSO4,
50 mg PSA 
50 mg C18E
1200 mg MgSO4,
400 mg PSA
150 mg MgSO4,
25 mg PSA
900 mg MgSO4,
150 mg PSA

150 mg MgSO4
50 mg PSA
50 mg GCB
1200 mg MgSO4,
400 mg PSA
400 mg GCB
150 mg MgSO4
25 mg PSA
2.5 mg GCB
900 mg MgSO4
150 mg PSA
15 mg GCB
Highly Pigmented

150 mg MgSO4
25 mg PSA
7.5 mg GCB
900 mg MgSO4
150 mg PSA
45 mg GCB
Pigments and Fats

150 mg MgSO4
50 mg PSA
50 mg GCB
50 mg C18E
1200 mg MgSO4
400 mg PSA
400 mg GCB
400 mg C18E

**All roQ dSPE kits contain pre-weighed sorbents/salts inside 2 mL or 15 mL centrifuge tubes.