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Product Information
Phase Detail
Zebron ZB-BAC-1 GC Columns
Zebron ZB-BAC-1 GC columns is ideal for the resolution of ethanol and acetone

Zebron ZB-BAC-1 GC Columns

Fast, Accurate Blood Alcohol Analysis

  • Proprietary column set specially designed for accurate blood alcohol analysis — enhance resolution of ethanol and acetone peaks
  • Resolves t-butanol and n-propanol for greater selection of internal standards
  • Fast run time with baseline resolution of key components in just 2 minutes
  • Achieve dual column confirmation - get two elution order changes with ZB-BAC-2

Need an alternate selectivity for blood alcohol confirmation? See ZB-BAC-2.  
Testing drugs of abuse? See ZB-Drug-1.

Recommended Use
Abused Inhalant Anesthetics, Blood Alcohol Analysis

Recommended Use
Enhanced resolution of ethanol and acetone peaks for blood alcohol analysis and dual-column confirmation with two elution order changes when used with ZB-BAC-2