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Product Information
Phase Detail
Zebron ZB-MultiResidue-1 GC Columns
Zebron ZB-MultiResidue-1 GC columns part one of a pair of GC columns that can be used for pesticide screening

Zebron ZB-MultiResidue-1 GC Columns

Guaranteed Performance for Pesticides and Insecticides

  • Specially engineered column set specifically designed for pesticide screening and confirmation by GC-ECD, GC-NPD, and GC-MS
  • Resolve common pesticide isomers with optimized selectivity for food and environmental samples
  • Improved inertness for decreased breakdown of sensitive pesticides such as DDT
  • Exceed EPA Method 8081 specifications for dual column confirmation when used with ZB-MultiResidue-2
Need an alternate selectivity for dual-column GC/ECD confirmation? See ZB-MultiResidue-2.
Running chlorinated herbicides or haloacetic acids? Pair ZB-XLB and ZB-35.


Recommended Applications
Aroclors/PCBs, Haloacetic Acids, Herbicides, Insecticides, Multi-Pesticide Screening, Nitrogen Containing Pesticides, Organochlorine Pesticides, Organophosphorous Pesticides

Recommended Use
Specifically designed for optimized pesticide screening and confirmation by GC/ECD and exceed EPA Method 8081 specifications when used with ZB-MultiResidue-2

Upgrade to Zebron from these similar* phases:

Agilent® Restek®

Improved Multi-Residue Pesticide Screening by GC-MS

Zebron MultiResidue™-1
30 meter x 0.25 mm x 0.25 µm
Part No.:
Splitless @ 260 °C, 1 µL
Carrier Gas:
Helium @ 0.9 mL/min (constant flow)
Oven Program:
80 °C for 0.5 min to 150 °C @ 10 °C/min to 240 °C @ 4 °C/min to 320 °C @ 15 °C/min for 3 min
MSD @ 320 °C; 45-400 amu
Analytes were 1 ppm in Dichloromethane

Resolve Common Pesticide Isomers

ZB-MultiResidue optimized selectivities improve resolution of complex pesticide, herbicide, and insecticide isomers. Our extremely stable siloxane-based polymer contains absolutely no nitrogen or halogenated functionality, which can be unfriendly to NPD and ECD detectors. Engineered Self-Crosslinking™ (ESC™) bonding incorporates ladders into the phase backbone for low bleed and unmatched spectral integrity – even for trace-level samples.

Zebron ZB-MultiResidue-1
30 meter x 0.25 mm x 0.25 µm
Part No.:
Splitless (hold 0.5 min) @ 260 °C, 1 µL
Carrier Gas:
Helium @ 0.8 mL/min (constant flow)
Oven Program:
100 °C for 0.5 min to 200 °C @ 25 °C/min to 320 °C @ 15 °C/min for 2 min
MSD @ 320 °C, 45-400 amu
1. o,p-DDE
2. p,p-DDE
3. o,p-DDD
4. o,p-DDT
5. p,p-DDD
6. p,p-DDT

Great Results for Organophosphate Pesticides

Zebron MultiResidue-1
Zebron MultiResidue-2
30 meter x 0.32 mm x 0.50 µm
30 meter x 0.32 mm x 0.25 µm
Part No.:
On-Column @ 103 °C, 1 µL
Carrier Gas:
Helium @ 2.8 mL/min (constant flow)
Oven Program:
100 °C for 0.5 min to 180 °C @ 20 °C/min to 240 °C @ 6 °C/min to 320 °C @ 15 °C/min for 2 min
FID @ 340 °C
Columns connected using a 5ms Z-Guard Column and a “Y” splitter.
Analytes are 2 ppm in Dichloromethane.
1. Dichlorvos
2. Mevinphos
3. Trichlorfon
4. TEPP (Tetraethyl Pyrophosphate)
5. Demeton Isomer
6. Thionazin
7. Ethoprop
8. Sulfotep
9. Naled
10. Dicrotophos
11. Phorate
12. Monocrotophos
13. Demeton
14. Terbufos
15. Diazinon
16. Dimethoate
17. Fonofos
18. Phosphamidon Isomer
19. Disulfoton
20. Dichlofenthion
21. Phosphamidon
22. Chlorpyrifos Methyl
23. Ronnel
24. Aspon
25. Methyl Parathion
26. Malathion
27. Fenitrothion
28. Chlorpyrifos
29. Fenthion
30. Trichloronate
31. Parathion
32. Merphos
33. Chlorfenvinphos
34. Crotoxyphos
35. Stirofos
36. Tokuthion
37. Merphos Oxide (Tribufos)
38. Ethion
39. Fensulfothion
40. Contaminant
41. Carbophenothion
42. Famfur
43. EPN
44. Phosmet
45. Leptophos
46. Azinphos Methyl
47. Azinphos Ethyl
48. Coumaphos