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Number of Protein and Peptide Identifications for the Biozen Nano 2.6 µm XB-C18 LC Column in HeLa Lysate
In this application we investigate the number of peptides and proteins identified using the Biozen nano XB-C18 column in either direct inject or trap and elute mode and demonstrate its importance in the quality of data that is achieved in protein and peptide identifications in bottom-up proteomics applications.
Number of Protein and Peptide Identifications for the Biozen Nano 2.6 µm XB-C18 LC Column in HeLa Lysate
In this application we investigate the number of peptides and proteins identified using the Biozen nano XB-C18 column in either direct inject or trap and elute mode and demonstrate its importance in the quality of data that is achieved in protein and peptide identifications in bottom-up proteomics applications.